Latest Information

Registration Closed (February 01, 2025)

Registration for AIDEA 2025 is closed.

Final Announcement (January 20, 2025)

AIDEA is approaching, and we are already looking forward to exciting presentations and discussions with you! Researchers and practitioners from eight countries are invited to present their work, engage in discussions on key issues, and begin collaborative projects.

The structure of the scientific program will be a mixture of formal and informal sessions, small group and whole group discussions, keynote (45 minutes) and regular (20 minutes) presentations, workshops and a panel discussion.

The Scientific Program
The working language of the Symposium is English. The activities of the scientific program include:

  • Invited keynotes (45+15 minutes),
  • Daily opening sessions for reflection on the presentations and discussion of the previous day (30 minutes),
  • Two parallel strands of regular presentations (20+10 minutes each), combined with daily small group discussions (45 minutes) facilitated by several small-group-moderators
  • Two workshops to get first-hand experiences with DS & AI materials and tools
  • Panel discussion by Rolf Biehler, Carsten Schulte, Sue Sentence, Dan Verständig, and Michelle Wilkerson
  • A whole group discussion on the closing day

This structure gives each presenter a chance to share their research while allowing the group to discuss the findings and engage in meaningful interaction.

Program and Moderation of the Sessions:
The program has been finalized and can be found at We have now also assigned the participants as chairs of the various sessions. The assignment can be found in the program.

Tasks as session chair (keynote and regular presentations):
  • Most important: Keep an eye on the timetable.
  • Briefly announce the presentations. It is sufficient to announce the name of the speaker and title of the presentation. Moderate the discussions after the presentations.
  • All speakers, please introduce yourselves briefly at the beginning of your presentation.
Tasks as small group discussion moderator:
  • Moderate the small group discussion
  • Make sure, every member of your group gets the opportunity to make a contribution
  • Make sure that somebody takes notes (for the recap of the day on the next day)
Tasks as session chair (morning recap of the previous day):
  • Invite 2-3 small groups to present their findings (max. 5 minutes per group)
  • Moderate the following group discussion
  • Keep an eye on the timetable

Social Activities and Symposium Dinner
Please indicate until January 31 if you wish to participate in the social activity (at your own expense) and the symposium dinner by filling out the following survey:

Abstracts of Talks
The abstracts of all presentations can now be downloaded here: Password was communicated via e-mail

After the symposium, there will be a final opportunity to revise the abstracts based on the feedback received during the event. The abstracts will not undergo another review process. Publication is planned through OpenReview. OpenReview automatically assigns doi-numbers to each publication.

We have set up a Slack room to facilitate discussions and exchanges during the symposium. You can join via the link communicated via e-mail.

Photo Recordings During the Symposium
For press reports, we may take and publish photos (daily press, internet, etc.). If you do not agree to the publication of photos in which you appear, please let us know (Sarah Schönbrodt or Susanne Podworny). Thank you!

Registration Open (December 10, 2024)

Interested individuals can now register for the entire symposium or for single days. To register, please fill out this survey. Upon successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email. Registration is open until January, 31. Participation is free of charge.

Please note: All speakers are automatically registered for the symposium and do not need to complete the survey.

Detailed timetable available (December 09, 2024)

The detailed timetable for the symposium is now available here.

Template for final abstracts (October 22, 2024)

The following template is intended for use in the final revised version of the submitted abstracts. The revised abstracts can be extended to 3 pages (including references) and should be submitted via OpenReview by December 15, 2024.

Download the template (docx)

Final deadline for submission of abstracts (August 23, 2024)

The deadline for the sumbission of abstracts has been extended to September 04, 2024. There will be no further extensions of the deadline.

Information on abstract submission, hotel booking and travel costs (July 23, 2024)

The following information is only relevant for invited speakers

Submission of abstracts:

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to August 23, 2024.

Please prepare your abstract in PDF format, two pages incl. literature. You do not need to add an extra summary paragraph in the PDF, but you will be asked to add a few sentences of summary on the submission page. Please also provide the focus topic of your abstract, and nominate one of the authors as the presenting author.

Submission is done via Open Review, an open source reviewing platform. At least the submitting author needs to create an account there. If possible, please create the account with an institutional email. Other emails are possible as well, but please note that there can be a 2 week delay as OpenReview has a manual moderation process in place. Once you logged in, you will be able to access the submission form.

The abstract will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee on OpenReview. You will receive a short feedback in October.

Hotel booking:

We have reserved a room contingent at the Leonardo Boutique Hotel Salzburg Gablerbräu for the duration of the symposium. The rooms must be booked individually and initially paid for by the participants themselves. After the symposium, we will reimburse the maximum costs of 445€ if you have indicated that you are requesting a refund (5 nights at 89€ each, including breakfast). Double rooms can also be booked if you would like to bring an accompanying person. A double room costs 104€ per night. We are only able to provide a refund up to the amount of the single room (89€/night). If you wish to arrive earlier or depart later, please clarify this individually with the hotel. You can cancel your reservation free of charge until February 1st, 2025. After that, 90% of the full price will be due, which we unfortunately cannot refund in the event of a no-show.

Booking is possible by email. Please enter the keyword communicated via email when booking and complete the booking by October 31, 2024 at the latest.

Travel costs:

Each participant must book the trip individually. Travel costs will be reimbursed after the symposium up to the specified upper limits (provided you have indicated that you are making use of the funding).

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